Why Body Happy
We Work With You
We tailor a programme to your very specific wants and needs
We give you one-on-one attention from a single member of staff from the moment you start your training programme, so that we can really get to know you.
Because of our size and the number of staff we have available, we will always be here to help you every single step of the way.
Everything we do is centred around you and how you’re feeling, because your wellbeing is so important to us

There’s an app for that
As well as our carefully chosen, fully trained, friendly and approachable staff, we also have an app.
This means you’ll always know what time our classes are, what your goals are, how far you’ve come and how fantastically you’re doing.
If you need any help with the app or you’re not sure it’s working properly, just ask any one of us – we’re all very happy to help.

Our fully functioning gym is stocked with EGym equipment, which works perfectly with the way we do things.
Here’s why:
- Swipe your membership card on any machine and it knows who you are, what you’ve achieved and what your goals are
- It remembers the speed, weight or intensity you’re working at, so you never need to worry about getting it wrong or having to ask someone
- The whole thing is electronic, including the weights and intensity, so no-one else but you knows what level you’re working at
- It won’t let you do too much and risk a strain or injury, it knows what you can do safely
- Next time you have a session with one of our staff, it can show them everything you’ve done
This is modern technology at its best – and easiest
Let’s talk.
Ready to get started?
Feel free to contact us on 01273 916900 or 07525855966 or send us an email.