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What is Offered

BH 30

Body Happy 30 is a short, 30-minute session designed to work the whole body.

Using equipment including kettlebells, dumbbells, the Queenax rig, medicine balls and more.

Body Revive

This class combines techniques learnt over the years in the fitness industry, looking at improving strength, core control, mobility and flexibility. Helping to relax both the body and mind, through movement, stretches and relaxation.

The class is for all abilities, from anyone looking to stretch and relax from a stressful day to someone looking to improve their mobility for health and fitness.


Boxercise is an exercise class which has boxing at the forefront of the workout.

The class incorporates punching techniques, shadow-boxing, hitting pads and punch bags with other exercises used to keep boxers fit – press-ups, skipping, core work and more.

Chair-Based Exercise

As the name suggests the majority of these exercises can be performed seated.

Which means they’re easily transferable to a home environment. The class is designed to improve your strength, balance and coordination.

Circ de Cyclé

This class combines circuits and indoor cycling.

Switch between short periods of time on the bike and strength exercises that hit the whole body, giving you an all-over workout.


Total body workout, where each station targets a different muscle group.

Repeat an exercise for a certain number of times at each, before taking a short rest and moving on to the next one. Perfect for getting your heart rate up and improving your muscle endurance.

Fitness for Life

This class is designed to incorporate all the essential elements we need to reduce trips and falls.

Balance, coordination, agility and strength work.


Hight Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Is short bursts of high intensity exercise followed by short periods of rest, repeated using a number of different exercises.

Indoor Cycling

Indoor cycling on stationary bikes, which you might have heard referred to as spinning.

The class focuses on endurance, strength and recovery, using climbs, flats and sprints.

Legs, Bums and Tums

A series of exercises that target the legs.

With a focus on bums (glutes) and tums (core), using a variety of equipment and exercises.


High-Intensity Metabolic Conditioning

Struggling to see fitness improvements or bored with your routine? Our MetCon! class is your solution. This high-intensity, full-body workout combines strength training and cardiovascular exercises in a fast-paced circuit format, designed to boost metabolism, improve cardiovascular health, and build lean muscle. Join us and transform your body with dynamic, engaging workouts!


Pilates strengthens and tones your core, lower back, hips and pelvis, all of which can help you move and feel better in every aspect of your life.

While the movements may be slow and considered, they can be adjusted to your fitness level, so can be straightforward or challenging.

Singing for Seniors

Warm up those vocal cords with games and activities before taking part in an interactive group singalong.

This is designed to reduce or slow the negative effects of dementia, but absolutely everyone is welcome.

Yoga and Core

Yoga and Core focuses on your core* muscles, with a few additional exercises thrown in.

Yoga and Core is a class designed for working the core muscles through yoga movements, core exercises and relaxation techniques focusing on breathing.

*The core is traditionally seen as the ‘stomach’, but at Body Happy we extend this to the glutes, abdominals and back, because these are all vital muscles in daily living.

Yoga stretch

A gentle morning stretch class, using yoga moves to strengthen, open and lengthen the body.

The emphasis is on using breath work and mindful movement to work the whole body and leave you feeling stretched, calm and beautifully relaxed. Each class has a different emphasis and is open to and accessible to all bodies and abilities. Louise holds Hatha and Yin yoga qualifications, she has a background in teaching, special needs, mental health and sports coaching.

Let’s talk.

Ready to get started?

To book a space on any of our classes contact the team on 01273 916900 or sign up to a Move GB account. Classes cost £8 per person. Classes are popular however, so you will need to reserve your place in advance. The classes are held at our Lewes Studio.